Hello I'm Zero_Inzanity but from now you will all know me as Bajan_Fanboy109. I am 13 in 8th grade ( it sucks). I'm also a really good person if...
I have ieatwafflx account
If you could ip check the forum accounts that would be great
Buggy is brownturd and brownturd ownes easyeye crazydin0 and Trevorky and more
Mean if it was a full screen shot it shows him being rude :I
I like how the cords to your base are in the screen shots
It happens at 1 mc
I got kicked and I joined right back 2 how is that kill aura
Hello my name is fendodo I am a titan on the server I sell accounts for 3$on paypal so msg <3. im also a long time player of mineverse (6 months)...
Lol kid you call that hacks #GetStrafed
Wait you made a new one sorry wasn't paying atinsion
Ducky I have your axe it's in my echest
Ducky how am I horrible to people
Why would I screen shot it I think cussing is alright yeah I say my fair share of them but who cares honestly we both know you just hate me ducky...
Ducky how is that disrespect win you cuss me out even more I unarmed you and you cussed me out in chat
Ign: Zero_Inzanity Offender name: alyssaax3 Proof/vid/screen shots http://gyazo.com/8f9e5d91046f6537e6d6cbf2ab162963
Ign: Zero_Inzanity Offenders Ign: AAronasaur Proof/screenshots: http://gyazo.com/85543b01822d0810069ea31441065053 Rules broken: Advertiseing and...
Ign: Zero_inzanity Offender name: Kloub200 Rules broken: Disrespect proof/evidence: http://gyazo.com/4939b05fb2f123637f135d98b6a911fa
Btw you do know there are no such things as "Reach hacks" that is handeld server side I think but where I saw this information it could be wrong
a while