Can you advertise other servers if you Noobcrew and CypriotMerks own it?
Thanks i havnt got a support in a while :D
Yah but i messed up on the other i forgot that you could edit...
But you arnt part of the staff are you?
Yes i can and what do you mean We?
My other one wasnt doing so well so i thought id make a new one
How old are you? I am 12 years old Your in-game name: My in-game name is Artmali but my real name is Sebastian What timezone are you in? I live...
Support Though
Dont advertise on other aplications. Thank-you.
Good Luck
No Advertising on others Applications
Just click new thread and then anwser the questions. For further conversation plz message me. [IMG] threads/mod-app.438/
Go to forums , Mod application , first post :) [IMG] WEE ! WEE ! Come Support Me :D...
Go and copy the mod applitcation and anwser IT