Ok @Nanurz No it isn't I was saying that the soundcloud I just put the link too is not mine and I was joking when I said it was good.
It is some random on soundcloud lol Nope but i love that show
LOL again as I stated before: That is not me I posted that as a joke because it was so bad
No I got people attacking me and being rude but ok
No I didn't I just couldn't act like myself because the account is only for appeal. I couldn't post anything or say anything at all. You twisted...
This isn't just sexist.. It's stupid (Just my opinion)
She lol Macy's @ the mall Not at all but aight Of course because it is my APPEAL ACC ... lol do you not know how that works
Nope You are the one replying the most lol and not at all If you don't like me then don't write on my things. smh
How am I the immature one? You are the ones attacking me and being rude..
I'm not lying and is that supposed to be a threat? Attack me and I will report you simple as that
You can leave if you are going to be rude:facepalm:
No, people keep saying I am "fake". I don't care if you think I am hot or ugly but don't make up lies to attack me. That was completly rude and...
Ya'll are never fking satisfied... Smh look I don't care what you think but i'm not letting ya'll annoy me and change my feelings:lol::cat:
[MEDIA] ;):lol:
Not at all. Can you show me how I am fake?
Thank you man and ofc :) lol thanks Thank you Recyclinq :P (I love your name btw) Thanks :)
Thanks haha :p <3 I used to lie and say that yeah because I didn't want guys hitting on me lol Lying about what... . It is me.. and I'm not a...