So were looking for 1 girl and 1 guy, lets start with the girls cause why not: Brittney: Shes a strong warrior type character, brings beauty and...
MineBreakers Official posters! MineBreakers is a type of series you would see in a TV, like the walking dead, or supernatural etc. Well this is...
So so far we have scripts already done, just need to act out the scenes and edit the videos, MineBreakers will come out sometime around June :)
So in this moment there is a guy called RiverCiver in mineverse creative and hes teleporting people into cells and you cant type or logout out of...
yeah my bad, when i was editing this you could clearly see it, but for some reason everything was dark :/
So as for the title you already know its somewhat like an RP, or Machinima whatever you want to call it. I am looking for 6 people for acting, and...
So ive been working a lot on The Walls animation, so far it looks beautiful.
Youll be surprised how related they both are but not spoiling anything. :)
Would you fight a Supernatural Creature/God?
Im still looking for people that would like to act , and voice act in the series there a couple of spots that are for the main characters that i...
Oh yeah hes my trusted sidekick....dont you talk crap about him xD jk
Hahaha what owl? xD
Previously i made a Skywars Animation
Im not trying to promote anything for any other server, its not saying to go to that specific website.