lol its not illegal im following the rules and my name is progamer6 not tjenkins private msg me for my Skype
I made this account long ago for ban appeals and ban appeals only
Im giving a hard time because its just unfair why im banned
Yes why Is progamer6 banned if you ban the account not the player (this account is for ban appeal and ban appeal only)
But can mods that aren't related post
Mineterrria so only the mod related can post?
That is bs
So I cant post a ban appeal because my first one got denied?
Your ingame name: billybobjoe The offender's ingame name: Creeperz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: rate abuse...
Your ingame name:billybobjoe The offender's ingame name: jionbdcraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke: kill aura...
Your ingame name: billybobjoe The offender's ingame name: pvpwarlord_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...