Thanks for all the kind welcomes! <3 (maybe not Freddo but hes a butt so.) Lookin' forward to see you guys in-game c:
Um, hi. So I've been meaning to create one of these but I haven't done so because I'm such a procrastinator but that's not the case any longer....
Told you, Xel <# Gratz
Support. You're amazing. And funny. And you're pretty damn good at Moderating. Good luck. -Darkie <#
Imma just...fnagurl just because you followed me <3
Dude, I'll trade that stache for my highlights.
Sorry about the take over. We just wanna see our server neighbors. Thanks <3 I see, its extremely awesome. Everyone is so polite <3~
-Fangirls anyways-
Thanks so much. I'll keep that in mind c: Omg -fangirl- a Mod just posted on me thread. lol. Thanks though, keeping that in mind as well <3...
Kawaiiii <3
Thanks guys <3
Thanks <3 ^-^
Thanks <3
Haii Mineverse people, I'm Darkeh. Some of you may know me as that nublet $250 donor on Used to be a Mod dere 'til I resigned. But,...
I wish I knew you well enough so I can bug you every time you moderate. Living that menace life, yo.
Support. Make this girl Mod right this instant. Thank you.