Ca can I PLEASE be added?? My name is Da_impstaa thanks :)
Same here, I don't have the books any more. But I'm still dying DX someone needs to do something about this!
I'm still dying! I got rid of the books using minechat, I've don't the bug:kill thing but I'm still dying and I have no books!! I logged onto my...
I've done that :/ still didn't work
Still dead! D:
I'm still dead :(
Fingers crossed! I hope this works. It said ouch, looks like that hurt.
My inventory is clear... I just keep dying.
What do you mean by relogg the server? I've restarted my minecraft so many times... But I'll try doing /invclear again
I need help! I had 5 stacks of 16 'goodnight my child' books in my inventory, I downloaded minechat and did /invclear and it worked. But I am...