lol i probably won't be able to find that as it's been like a looooooooong time. I just hope if I were to get a new account my God rank I was...
it'sbeen years since I played on this only proof i have is from people reporting me lol I do not have access to the old account. My best bet is...
I have lost my account on MC which has God rank on this server I was wondering how I can see to find it back again as in logging in through...
Thank you :) appreciate it
nah I'm just kidding it's good to be back after a long time and see the server and forums still running
After a very long Hiatus the True God of PVP back in OG mineverse when factions was alive and running. has decided to allow his presence to be...
@Herf you're testing me rn
Every day a trynna test me
Have I said why I love the sunrise? It's cause it's only gonna get briiiighter. Feels different than paradise, is this loooooveee?
Have I said why I love the sunrise? It's because it's only going to get brighter.
please I know this could be a frequently asked question, but a factions reset is needed and needed urgently. Hackers start grinding mcmmo to kick...
so you have the right to judge someone? i guess typical discdog always making herself seem better than others
shut ur pie hole always judging
danke! herr musezeta
thank you to all @Auzzi @Amaya @Ifonus @Alma @Andrewswj @Elephantlovr33X @WinterWaffles @Exstatisfy @Teagan @Insolar if you all wish to have...
Im ya boi pyro best things to know about me are 1. enjoy soccer 2. avid pvper 3. dislike all other aspects of minecraft except grinding, pvping,...
just when I thought the cringe couldn't get to me, I've been injected with minecraft lp scale cringe with kennaroo a.ka _sokol
lol ur a cringe lord
i dont