Jishwan always keeps swearing at me so I think its time for her to get banned! heres a screenshot of what she has said[ATTACH]
you can see in the leaderboad of the screenshots and kew was gliding to suphaninja!!
he was on though
See all the proof Ares :D
On Skywars, I saw kew16867, along with supahninja2004, him gliding/flying in a match. He might have other hacks as well so that's why I am...
ratburger321 is his ingame name. He has used mild language and has cursed me in Creative. I have screenshotted this events if it may come in...
danieldan9081 (he's ingame name) has swore to me and said offensive comments my proof is Sniperassasin_1 he saw danieldan9081 swearing at me he...
Danieldan has been putting rude comments into the chat about me! Most of them Wer offensive He called me a bitch 5 times today and saying horrible...
McMorzan and paulusz have both griefed Sniperassasin_1's Plot! They have used World Edit to Grief his plot They have poured Lava everywhere and...