Check my ban appeal
k a new hacker Watch he hack
Hello, my name is adrian_0205 also known as Adrian. I am a 13 Year old boy, and I live in a country called Faroe Island, it's not a big country, a...
What Fanded it for anything because I have no hack I eat normally I do not know if it was a glitch because the stock nor I play so I would like...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:adrian_0205 The offender's exact ingame...
tions can you unban me
you have a auto Bow You Hack!!!
Pleaze Unban me on Kitpvp
tions do I unban on Kit Pvp
You armor Broket
Pleaze unban me On KitPvp
Sorry im have scamed jo290404 pleaze unban me
jap7 not a scammer