Lets see if anyone can find anything worse than this guy here xD [MEDIA]
Support baby 10/10 good best mod app
@Ares_Xena @GizzBots
@zStrafe you saying you're very experienced you reported skydiver is the least person to ever hack ever heard of skill and what if the guy logs...
powerben1963 iPandazPvP Death threat Screenshots[ATTACH]
they aint in pvp seeing if they hack ill put any money they don't know any proper commands expect ban and mute rofl
only 2 experienced mods @Ares_Xena @PandaBear__
@PopIs_MyLife we did that and we get no reply xD
@PopIs_MyLife funny people wouldn't be doing these threads if you did your job
lol staff coming online only when someone brings something up about not being online
you wouldn't get spam if over mods came on and your saying mods don't wanna do there jobs due to spam great....
@Mega ye i did more than what you did you moderate chat but how can you if your never online to do so
@Prin how am i acting like i own the place I'm just saying what i see and I'm sure others would agree @Mega iv been in your shoes before coding...
but iv seen most mods don't have irl issues and are still never on
@AgentWifi funny i never see mods online rofl but what if you don't have a recording program staff should be able to monitor that chat you can't...
monitoring forums chat is easy how can you help new players if your not online there are always staff online on the forums but never on the acc server
@KingAlex I'm saying its not hard typing that where does you need evidence for a ban come from everyone knows that rofl
its not hard typing /ban or mute
They all say mods help out and help the server yet when there is a fight going or someones hacking there is no mod to be seen then they start with...