Well, as you could probably tell from the title , Yes I will be leaving Mineverse or Minecraft in general. I've had a blast over the years I've...
I don't find Mineverse as fascinating as it use too be about a year ago , Mineverse should release new thing's . If they don't they're gonna keep...
I'm pretty sure no one would make a deal with the stuff you put up for offer
Thanks for your life story mate lel
Beyoncé - Cause she is babe Shailene Woodley - Cause she is babe And @igothackedshonal - For bait :cool:
Cya @Daddy I hope your journey ahead of you is great :) Thanks for everything you've done for the community , really thankful . Good luck ;)
Are you kidding me right now ? lol , The kits could never be better .. I disagree to this , even though I don't play infection alot these...
Support :p Good luck
What Im trying to say , is that Mineverse is still growing maybe in the later future they may consider having two servers ...
I dont think mineverse is ready for that big step lol :mad:
A repair shop would be much better than having /repair for high ranks ... Even though I'm titan , I don't think it would be fair for lower ranks...
The forums ;)
Some games I enjoy playing that you may like : Battlefield 4 Watchdogs Also , The Division looks very cool but wont be coming out till...
Andre good luck , Support :)
Mineverse getting more boring by the minute ... Come back Pile :mad:
Gratz :)
@YeOldSquiller thank you , someone knows what I mean
@Topmass22 , That's not what I meant :p
@CypriotMerks another suggestion might be , Plot mines that you buy for irl money that has its own little shop to sell . Answer is probably no...
K . Was just a suggestion :P