Hey banana, Could you please look at my post in bugs & exploits about the skyblock shopchests? Ty
So I recently made a shop, When I made the shopchests I was messing around with some friends and made the signs say my friends there names,...
Thanks for all the birthday wishes :)
@melgrath ;)
So today I was messing around with my friend Bantz on Skyblock, I placed an armor stand and I broke it again. I tapped my left mouse button really...
Your ingame name: EliVdd The offender's ingame name: liamarchie A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming, Tresspassing +...
It's different than /me, it's way more annoying. Also people use /minecraft:me to get around /ignore.
This is a command that someone recently found, you can mass msg people with this command. The command is: /minecraft:tell @a (message) As you...
I know for Sure that chestshops aren't allowed in that area.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I dont think its allowed but its probaly a glitched area at spawn.
Nice app, Support ;)
Nice app, i think you deserve a second chance. Good Luck ;)
Im Glad You Finally Applied, I hope You get accepted ;)
@Glaadiator for faster reply
Your ingame name: EliVdd The offender's ingame name: applehead A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming/advertising...
Your ingame name:EliVdd The offender's ingame name: BATTLESCREAM A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Bridging to me...
Yeah that would be cool :) Good idea ;)
bump :p
is that a Creeper in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Rekt.
Full Support, Nice application :)