Lel it's me in the video I'm talking swedish!
I wan't my money back please
1.simonrock75 2.applestogo 3.Scam 4.[media]
Chloyybear4ever accepted my ban appeal and now have i glitched can you help me plz i can't logg in on kitpvp
Oh kill aura
Chloyybear4ever I'm going to report you
Chloyybear4ever why did you not accept i wan't a chance
I wan't to play
Please I actually have the right to play here, I bought god and now I get denied all the time My father is very angry that I got banned. I know...
1. In game name: simonrock75 2. Moderator name: Chloyybear4ever 3. violation[IMG]
1.simonrock75 2.Evershed 3.Anti KB / kill aura 4.[media]
1.simonrock75 2.Ballademageren 3.Anti Kb kill aura 4.[media]
1.simonrock75 2.PPUNCH301 3.Kill aura 4.[media]
1.simonrock75 2.alexn03 and cassan357 3.kill aura 4.[media]
1. simonrock75 2. aser12345 3. hacking 4. kill aura [media]
1. simonrock75 2. Engeltje2004 3.Kill aura 4. [media]
Lol thats much hacks.