i support 1 or 3 but @Noobcrew @Pile_of_Butts @CypriotMerks i lost prestige 7 244 levels a few months ago after a name change but switched back...
no i don't know you what so ever and i still don't see what you guys are talking about i honestly think you need to take another look at the...
the screenshot shows people being infected i see no "weepcraft in game cross server messaging" i think you need to take another look at the screenshot
bhuinda there is no messages in that chat that say weepcraft what screenshot are you looking at?
thank you Scorvix
iEliric i don't even know you nor have i even seen you on the server what so ever therefore stop commenting you have no legitimate reason to be...
thanks /:
and the screenshot was taken a longtime ago and it was the only screenshot i had so i had to use it so i don't have solid screenshot proof that i...
Not having the levels i worked forever getting probably about 2 years of work getting them it makes me not want to play on infection anymore...
im ban glitched and need you help heres the link to my accepted appeal i was sopposed to be unbanned 2 days ago...
bae ..................... where tf have you been........ skype me
support :)
Hi vamesa i was told i would be unbanned on the 20th of december and i have yet to be unbanned, why havent i been?
if you saw me gliding WHERE IS THE VIDEO? HM?
your such a lier im so done with this conversation when you come up with some more FAKE reports make them believeable
when i say fences i mean the steel fences
on hijacked when the game first starts you have 30 seconds when you cant take damage so when you spawn you turn around and run to the corner of...
NO YOU DIDNT those screenshots show NO legit proof stop being a dick this isnt cool
this is basically his word against mine now and he is lieing just to be a dick