Your ingame name: UnRevealed The offender's ingame name: adrian_0205 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He/She was spamming...
Your ingame name: UnRevealed The offender's ingame name: neonsuperdog A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were spamming...
Ok, thanks!
My exact in game name is: UnRevealed My purchased rank is/was: God My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: I purchased the god rank...
How old are you? I am 15 years old What is you in game name? My in game name is VinceTheGamer What timezone are you in? My time-zone is United...
They have their own computer
Actually yes because I told them today
I didn't reword I physically re did it and also I didn't support my self I didn't know that your family member cant support you.
whats not
I redid my whole app anyways
No support. Follow the correct format please.
Support! Great application! :)
No support that picture is advertising too in a way.
I think the lobby room should have like a happy fell to it and not so evil.
I don't think we need a new map yet. I think that NoobCrew is probably thinking about it slowly.
Having your thread title be "can i become a mod please (badman168)'' will not increase your chances because you are basically asking for mod. No...