Do it for Scotland. :> Full support pal!
Proof, of my claims? Im not claiming anything I'm simply saying I don't think you would make a suitable mod, again... Best of luck.
No support, you can be very rude in game. Best of luck.
It would be a lot easier for me and a lot of my buds in Scotland and the rest of the UK if we could connect to a host in the EU. Support.
Everyone I know seems to lag a lot on the mini games, that's the only reason me and my buds don't play em. They have major lag spikes.
And you call me immature? Nice one.
I pretend? So by saying I didn't buy a rank I'm immature. Logic.
Didn't spend any money, a friend got me my rank. It's fun, if something bad happens in game then o well, people need to chill.
Exactly, that's why you shouldn't care....
There's a difference between being Mature and being ignorant. A lot get them mixed up. Topmass, It's A Game!
Yes it's amazing for transportation and should be kept for that but, unfortunately it was used for raiding and that's not factions.
:> lol I'm not even gonna comment not that.
/jump isn't made for factions, you use cannons. Replacing it with /echest seems more than fair. If you played on some of the most popular faction...
freckle = First person In end. Freckle also = dragon egg. Gg I wanna thank my mum...
Cool enjoy the loot, I play factions on The Archon now.
Yup, but they are allergic to doing that kinda stuff :confused:
And these servers need fixing, but are they getting fixed? :eek:
Meanwhile... No mods on factions, Skygrid, hell block, survival or pretty much any other server needing moderated. Go mineverse!
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take, our Freedom!!!" [ Braveheart ] Not cause I'm Scottish, because it's a good movie. :>