Because <edited>.
@Fuse Hey Dude Wanna buy me titan For 10k?
Hi? Can u buy my mate vip?
Well ur Bad
Wll u do because there are ur team
Well u went afk cuz u hit me and the only reason ur saying that is cuz u dont want to be banned. The only way u can kill me is to tp me to a trap
Your ingame name: Thuunder0727 The offender's ingame name: joel26112004 ___EwA___ GFRockstar1 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
William Traping me and SKillbill63 I got Tembanned For 2 Days Thats What they Should Get ;) Link 1=[media] Link2=[media]
Ign: Thunder0727 Game mode banned on: Kitpvp Link to accepted...
How is that scaming? u Killed me in a 4v1 How?