I agree with this. The kit is a bit too powerful. Also I think that more maps are needed. I have some ideas and would love to develop them!
I absolutely agree with this. I think its not much of a survival game anymore, its turning into OP survival lol. All the titans do /enchant for...
Yeah /ejump has worked for me!
I agree. And yeah doing it all over sucks, but I would do it. But the fact that actually raiding a factions would only happen if it was online.
Good Point! Maybe Ill make a tutorial on how to host your own server! LOL
Would you like help? Lol
Factions [fak-shuh] noun 1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, government,organization, or the like: a faction in favor of big...
I agree, But if other players aren't having this issue, you should contact the staff of minecraftservers.org Not 100% sure if anyone on Mineverse...
Yeah I feel like worldedit should be taken out and waterflow/lavaflow put back in.
This has happened to mea a few times. Have you tried switching your browser? And are you sure you waited a day? I reset my router to vote, because...
Didn't they just reset factions?
I have used /jump many times to get into a base and even then some have had blocks over their chests. Thats the fun part for me though. I go in...
Don't let people get to you. Keep on reporting and keep this community great! Good job! :D
Should I redo the app then and update it?
There area few of these going around right now. Keep them up and Im sure the staff will do it :D
Report it if you see it
No I disliked the fact that I'm sitting here trying to help you through the problem, and you aren't even playing lol. Don't hate, just a waste of...