Oh well I'm glad they are working on it. It's sad to see the server so low on players and to bring back infection I think would greatly improve...
Bring back infection please. I have been on these forums for 5 years and have played the server for just as long. I have donated and bought the...
hello ecb
Wow almost 500 views :O
Then kick him until he goes away
No one replied to mine... I cri
Waiter theres a chicken breast in my soup
Then un-loop it so then its a quantum line segment.
Adding Updated video!!!
Ill send a updated video soon just lemme finish this infection game :P
Yea well i kinda quit trying to get this map on infection cause ya know bored of trying. Considering the blandness of the other maps i like it...
:3 :3 :3 :3
Been about 4 months since this thread last saw people kinda my fault :p Bumpity Bump
Lol dont forget Hypixel Bb on the ddos attacks
Thanks for all the support :D
Thank you and Thank you :D
Lol whose the kid who went and disagreed to every support ? Support. As long as the same maps dont keep popping up i like a little spice to my...
Honestly, there are way to many open spaces. I saw the movie and the detail on the buildings is good but it just seems so spaced out. Sadly No...