What about me, you, and tiger back in the good old days when we wrecked with hacked armor :)
Thanks!:) Congratulations to everyone that received top voter and good luck to anyone for next month!
Wow. How many idminecraft's are there. I believe I have reported 2 and they were banned and I know there are many more than that. I thought this...
A: It is dark. Q: If I drink paint will my poop change colors?
I have about 7k. Uncle what do you do to make money quickly?
I may not be on for a little while considering there is a large storm in our area. But I will let you know when I have a chance.
*Sorry for posting* Please use this format when reporting a player: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule...
There is a way to make heads without the command /head. If you want I can teach you sometime.
I Support. I like the idea of using in game money to buy more storage space. I would suggest maybe about $500-$1000 for an extra double chest of...
Is it still at 8pm?
Ok well I have gotten many death and lag items and it has always worked for me. Make sure you restarted your minecraft before logging back on.
Check if you have potion effects on you. Some items have the ability to give you infinite potion effects with slowness at such high levels that...
You don't need to use mine chat to clear your inventory. Re open minecraft and join mineverse. When you are joining creative spam a number key...
The command is /! And it is in the game to get you out of a block if you accidentally enderpearl into one. When he stands next to the glass pane...
I don't think you should do last man standing because there will be those few people that just hang around the outside and run in at the end to...
I just posted a thread too. He got a warning but with you also posting that he wants to get banned it will most likely result in him being banned. :)
Your ingame name: Jnix7114 The offender's ingame name: bpatt10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming/ Abusing colors...
Btw he is talking about hacked armor in this... He isn't saying that he hacks.
Well I have done that with death books/objects before and it has worked for me.
Here is how you do it without clearing your inventory. Most people have it set so when u press a number key it changes your slot that you are on...