Mineverse Discord Rules The following rules have been set to allow the Mineverse Discord to be a safe and enjoyable place for all members. Failure...
[IMG] [IMG] Hello everyone! Since 2014, Infection brought thousands of players together and helped make the gamemode one of our most well-known...
Hello people of Mineverse! We've put this thread together as a memorial of the many great individuals who showed an excelling amount of activity,...
MINEVERSE SERVER SPECIFIC RULES PRISON Contraband If a guard (Non-NPC) sees you holding any of the following contraband items, you will be jailed...
Please use this section to report issues affecting gameplay for everyone. If it only affects you, make a thread about in the help section or make...
This section will be used for assistance with site-related issues. Issues can vary from account name changes to permission errors. Be sure to...
Trophy User Titles: New Member - 0 Trophy Points Member - 10 Trophy Points Established Member - 50 Trophy Points Active Member - 100 Trophy...
MINEVERSE BAN APPEALS Complete this form to your appeal post. Please be sure to post your ban appeal in the correct section. If you lie or don't...
Admit to your wrong doing. It is always better to confess that you have done something wrong. Saying that you don't know how to hack will not get...
RULES Your primary appeal rests with the Mod(s) that banned you. You may contact the Mod who banned you by Forum Mail, and refer them to your...
You can now use the (no prefix) prefix for your ban appeal. How it works: 1. Create a thread 2. Click (No prefix) and select the prefix which...
» Please answer these questions truthfully when reporting a player: 1. Your in-game name: 2. The offender's exact ingame name: 3. A description of...
If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to...
This thread is an introduction and summary of what evidence we require for what offences, where evidence must be uploaded, and how to record...
This section is only for reporting things that happen on the forums. If you'd like to report a player for breaking in-game rules, please post your...
The YouTube rank is a scheme that helps both you and us, in getting our names out there. The YouTube rank allows for you to further grow your...
Quick summary if you're busy: DO consider: How helpful is this player? How active is this player? Is this player mature? What's the players...
A guide on moderator applications Hello! We are glad you have an interest in applying to help our server combat cheaters and rule-breakers....
The Requirements 10 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 weeks registered on the Mineverse Forums. Moderators are...
MINEVERSE MAP SUBMISSIONS TITLE For the sake of cleanliness and organization, please use tags in the thread name specifying which gamemode your...