I live in Colorado Springs
I'm back guys sorry I haven't been on lately. But I'm back!
Thank you so much for supporting guys. Please do not ask for colors or me to edit. Thank you all !
Actually he's not lying whatever floats your boat though.
I't says his brother so calm down.
Max did you read the comments?
Hey Delv I'm his brother. Not his alt not anything just a brother.
Nope I'm sitting in my room alone.
I just made the account stop hating Uncle ok? Jees
I am actually not a ALT I am platinummineings younger brother.
Thanks IN1NJAI. :) But why the wink face :eek: Jk thank you so much!:p
Oh dang it uhhh don't read the thing I said ignore it :D
Pile I freaking LUV THE DOGGY how old is he. How long have you had him I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS :)
Well when I met him he was very nice calm and mature. He's never been rude to me or disrespectful.
Please come check out my Moderator Application Thank You So Much!
Hello I want to thank you for taking your time to read my Moderator Application. Firstly I want to introduce you to myself. My name is Zach, also...
I am sorry but the age does not matter only the maturity and he's a really nice kid.
Grayson its not a alt he told me he gave his friend like a Prot IV set to support. He never created a ALT.
Everyone everyone calm down, Please don't put rude comments about Platinummineing.