what does it mean when you are banned but below says "expires in 4 weeks"?
I think Dodgeball is a good idea! I don't know about the other because I haven't played them but I bet there as fun.
Okay if you say you got prove that Iwin_7 was hacking the day you ban him then where's the prove?
This kid is so pathetic
Actually the time and date does matter, so go ahead and ban galaxy, smart theres videos of them hacking in the report forums.
So apparently you can just ban people by watching videos of them using hacked armor huh?
That video is along time ago. He hasn't use hacked armor since, in order to ban him you had to have prove of the day you banned him
Explain how
Probably something that would be nice is a 1v1 ring where you can fight anyone you request to, also leaving the ring should NOT be allowed into...
Videogames and real life is a total different thing my friend, don't even compare them.
This video is so old, why would you post it now.
No where in here says you can't swear. All this Mods acting like they own this b.
Don't mess up the server by putting a bunch of randoms giving them the privilege to be Mod. Thinking you can trust them all just because they...