Idk what u want @TheSlayer572
Huuh? @TheSlayer572
@TheSlayer572 U know brotha hit me up with VIP :D
Yeh i also agree with @Grace Panda
I dont want premium becuase you get less pearls than Commander rank and with VIP You get Kit Major and Captain..
Sure :D
@Karateman4268 I appreciate your opinion good or bad thanks :D
@TheSlayer572 !! Who really is zStrafe?
IGN: Brownturd Age (12+): 13 PvP Skills (1-10): 8.9 Why you want to join: Defense and to make new friends.
@Karateman4268 i understand your opinion but i have not been ban in a while you can go from the past you have to go from the present and future....
IGN: brownturd Age (12+): 13 PvP Skills (1-10): 8.8 Why you want to join: Yall my friends
@Hulk3001 Pretty sure you wanted a 5$ rank...
I am willing to do anything but i mostly have stuff on kitpvp so dont expect much from other servers yes you can ask i might have voting money im...
Your ingame name: brownturd The offender's ingame name: moosekung A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
I'm pretty sure that there is a player moo7 and but this isn't you so this is kinda invalid
Haha yeah
Haha watch at 1:11 haha delvaren is hacking tits