Look at the dot before the number on the sign... his name is shadowrainbow123 no spaces or caps on Op Prison B.T.W you should add the prefix op...
I found this guy scamming his name is shadowrainbow123 look at the dot before the number...
Amazing application, lots of detail... Clear that you spent alot of time on it. Hopefully a winner! My favorite flavor of ice cream is cookies n'...
Your ingame name: goldhammer25 The offender's ingame name: MikkelStarck A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They flew or...
@FadedChristi check out my appeal plz ty
Hey @FadedChristi can u plz help me out? Reply to my msg at my appeal Ty ~Gold
christi can u look at my appeal plz
No problem I really took a liking to your application and can see the amount of time spent on it!
Support great thread and app
Support Awesome good luck ~Gold
14 was a typo I am 20 years old. My in game is goldhammer25. I live in the Western time zone. I live in pennsylvaina. I speak English...
20:) goldhammer25 US timezone Pennsylvania English official,little Spanish,very little chinese. ill be a lot of help ill be there when u need me...
im sry im sry ill stop
grayson I'm on factions
r u on right now though???
like what sry i forgot to use the edit tab can u go on mine verse right now???
14 goldhammer25 US timezone pennsylvania english official,little spanish,some chinese,I'm american i think id be a lot of help ill be there when u...