@Alex @Jhow Could you close this
It's REALLY old I just wanted it to be closed nothing else :/
@tin15cro Could this be closed It's way to old and I'm not that active anymore on mv
IGN: CreepyGiantz aka JelliPvP_ aka jelliboy1 Are you teamed with some / all of the players in the clan? If so name them: CreepyMinnyz...
Mods need perms to ban people if they see them hacking
spam spam spam the chat everywhere in the world lalalallalallalalaaa
Long time ago and congratz on mod :D
31) Using an enderpearl at a half heart
3917 xD
Sorry I think you are banned by my vid IGN: CreepyGiantz
Yayay new computer
Happy birthday DCM :D
Stupid exams
Thank you
Sorry I have exams monday I will be more active than I have my last one
Bump :/
He is still owner so he can decide it @iElric
And titans will get 10-16 epearls