You poor person...:bag:
75 years since D-Day, honour those poor soldiers that fought for us...
As Your a good friend and really kind ingame I don't support. Only joking Support flare ;)
Hm unlucky. :worm: What can you not just log in or something?
Needs quite abit more information but Good Luck! ;)
I am positive I was in prot 4 with the main things that I use eg: Sharp V sword, Power V bow. It's ok, I don't want him to lose his place in...
Hey mastertuckerks killed me today (in prot 4) I was saying I was in NoobKillers clan but I dont think he/she listened.
Eventhough I'm getting the rank MVP, VIP or Supreme (whatever) Congratulations on getting your kit titans! ;) You were patient (most of you) and...
A magician has been born..
Thankyou :> I know it looks a bit different at the start but I'm editing it :)
Leaving, then staying, make your mind up bud ;)
Thankyou :)
Thankyou, support is very appreciated! :D
The moderators do a a huge roll in keeping the server stable. Sorry no support, it needs alot more information and colour.
Thankyou:) I understand, moderator takes time :)
:eek: Well I bet Noobcrew and Cyp wouldn't do that to put the server in jeopardy.
Omg! I didn't realize until now that Op pvp is a breeding ground for hackers! Recorded about 7 in 10 minutes...
Though you told me to stop bumping on my app ;) Support. You would be a great guard. :>
More information = Better chances. Good luck though ;)
That's not he means, he means that he shouldn't have the rank [Admin] beside his name anymore.