it's a long story.
More evidence
IGN: Brant2 Offenders IGN: gangstallama456 Rule Broken: Disrespect to members, Threatening to ddos, Threatening to hack into routers,...
yupers been a while since ive played mv
idk but i jut got banned for ddos threats (werent even ddos threats, it was a statement and i got banned for it like wtf?) because of him, they...
Mr. faze i dont hack, and im not the one hitting him offline. whomever is giving you this information is incorrect, and needs to get proof before...
ask away
Thank you for your reconsideration, I do apologize for what i have done. If I were to restart what would you suggest? comment on my profile please...
Thank you for commenting
how much more activity can i get? im playing legit 24/7 and when you can prove to me that i advertised out loud to everyone, then will be the only...
you cant create threads, ive tried. yes ive created another acc to try this
-_- thats not what im trying to say, for example, he just created the forums account. he is the rank noob, and rank noob can not do anything. :L...
you didnt read what i reported it for lol, i said that his account is too new to post anything. its the noob rank right now so he cant do anything...
he did, he even reset his computer
here is some evidence showing that he has god on the lobby, but has elite on opfactions
being that i am only a titan, i do not have the proof stating he donated.
Ign: SnakeVenomPvP Problem: he says that he bought god, and he has the rank god on all of the servers except for opfactions, i can approve that he...
i have a tendency to joke around alot, so i might just be joking. but i can always fix my anger. and lets just get this clear, no one has truly...
Thank You Morgan