there's good things and .. bad things i'd say
if you decide to hate give a reason atleast ?
Boys and girls , i've been working on a project since some weeks and i finally finished it and uploaded it on youtube . the reason i made this...
...? how ?
i never liked tbh , we had some flame war but after all you were a good mod and it's still sad to c you leaving mineverse , stay safe and try to...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TomIsOnFire The offender's exact ingame name: Goooose...
No support like please look how toxic you are , even if we were friends i really hate how you became
support all the way , btw i kinda miss u on ts ahah hope you will get that rank gl :)
How are u ? We need to ts anytime I went back home for two weeks before going back to army
i missed u alex
army Xd
no support . as Xtract said you were inactive and i feel like being demoted won't be bad for you since your lack of maturity . also if i see some...
hope the ranks we paid won't become useless ...
Congratulation dude ! :)
thanks you :) thanks dude ! i will :D <3