Fix the freaking parkour signs, your staff is the laziest people on the server I swear, You could trust a computer to be more productive then they...
Dont no how to hack but thanks for your feedback
and you spelled lesson wrong :$
mineverse is 2 years old
no support more dedacation
I'm sorry diamond I didn't mean to put it like that I ment that was a month ago and thank you for your submission to my application
and I stated my opinion by saying you need to grow up
You need to grow up 1 month is a long time and im sorry I said no suport
You try to look forward not backward becuase if you look backwards youll never live forward
i will Maybe get gaurd
Thank you but mod will not happen im going to get guard raise my rep and then maybe app for mod
? I dont think i did
Itstweety had a diamond sword and would not give to me
Itstwetty had a diamond sword and would not give to me
thanks anyways