How was that anti-knock? I got knocked back a little bit.. pause play pause play, and see that I get knocked back just a bit. Just not knocked...
Thankyou for answer, will delete this thread ASAP
That is the one I refered too. I do have an appeal in the ban appeal section as well
Close the thread when you can
Erm, well I stopped hacking and I know that to myself. So I'm not going to sweat it by worrying lol
No most donate to get the perks. If there were no perks and no rank I highly doubt anyone would donate more than 10 dollars. To be realistic.
Add a little bit more detail to the application throughout the day so that it's a few more paragraphs longer and you'll be good. :)
Wow reading through this I don't know how this many people could hate on one mod application. If you are going to be disrespectful about a post...
Keep editing your mod application making it longer. Can't go wrong with a longer detailed application.
Different types of cakes. Raspberry cheese cake, Velvet cheese cake, Apple Pie, Blue berry pie, lime Pie, Pumkin pie, fudge cake, angel food cake...
New York Cheese Cake 1st
I'll start :D INCLUDING Pie's
Erm, New thread. Giving away my 19000
Probably lol Congrats Ninja
49th Cake 50th Cake, I win!
47th Cake
44th Cake
41th Cake. Will not win his ban appeal. (Forever lost)
38th Cake. Will not wait for the next cake