Hai jadey... OMG WATCH OUT ITS COMPACT TNT... no wait its just a bird, no its a plane! NO ITS A Ummmmm... JADEY yeah thats what i was gonna say
HELP ITS 2012 ALL OVER AGAIN -Elsa9989 2012
Why isn't TNT allowed in most stuff? THAT IS THE QUESTION!
Why did i crash-land on Mineverse?
I came from outer space, and crash-landed on Mineverse (Instead of Hawaii) :3
Please don't judge ;-;
Sheesh! I'm not sure if i was supposed to report this in the Report section or the Help section, im pretty sure Chloyy told me to do it in the...
So first i came after Toxic told me she was being griefed, then I tried to fix it by telling WMM to get a Mod, then i told HungaGamesLova and she...
I think I might need a profile pic, good idea am I right? :DDD
Being Nice always works.. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go eat someone cause they touched me while I was sleeping..
Boo... Sup bakes?
age: 14 MC Name: Elsa9989 Timezone: Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart Country: Australia Language: Australian and some american why do i think i should be...