Der hope he gets banned
I am so tired of this guy spamming the chat
Just reported a scammer and he got banned #GreatDay
my ign is TheswaggerMan980 i was buying a kit titan from this scammer and he never gave!
Plz help
Sorry i new here and havent been on dat much
How i see dat
Can i copy and paste the image?
My IGN is TheswaggerMan980 i am reporting anidle3 He was glideing on skywars He built a little thing and glided to my island! [IMG]
Guys i screenshotted a hacker how do i post?
Everyone you guys should watch Ares_Xenas videos i know there not the most exiting XD but it will help him in the long run :D
woo got elite yesterday so happy :3
Nohtings gonna get better its not, not unless someone cares a hole lot -cat in the hat