when did i give dusty vibes?? i don't remember that but if i did give dusty vibes i am really sorry. thank you itchy, but are you supporting me...
i have read your whole response, and now i know i shouldnt do so many things such as post farming and not replying to messages, but firstly, i...
thank you everyone for supporting me! and btw you can press the support button above (its a green button that a few people pressed to support me)...
its fine if u and others dont want to support me, but i will do my best to be a mod, and make the server better and more popular, and i hope u...
i know that but most questions i just answered with 1 word is cuz the question doesn't have much to answer, and i am sorry for message farming and...
its true that there will be 2 many leg keys, so maybe it doesnt need to change. btw the quest Its Spooky Down Here should be remove, does anyone...
its a gun game that is fun
what is my mineverse elf name??? idk what that is LOL
its nice:) i am looking forward to the next changes:D
yea rip. but i am sure that they were happy, so dont worry:)
actually i love op prison the most as well and i sure its only u that would go 3 mil blocks away to build a base LOL
I suggest to make chances of getting a beacon in survival gamemode higher so we can get a beacon easier, maybe make the chances of getting a...
i completely agree with reducing the price cuz titan is nerfed and the titan rank is like more than a 100 dollars, but its still when u have god...
i am sorry i had 25 messages yesturday and my messages got deleted so i dont have 25 messages rn but i will have 25 messages back soon, and pls...
hi every1 i am oofman and OOF
Your in-game name: my in-game name is: O0FMAN What timezone are you in? i am in the timezone Europe (UTC) What country do you live in? i live in...
i was fighting some1 and i killed that guy. done another story: i was fighting some1 and i was killed and i died. done third story: i was...
okkkk... agree with olieee btw pls bring back infection
hi whatsup do u play on mv? whats ur mc name?
survival survival survival survival!!!!! survival is the best (for sure)