hey porkchop this is a little late but i have some more images https://www.lunar.gg/match/pc66ca4c ([MEDIA]) also watch this video i personally...
Hey everyone! I have read all of your feedback and for the most part am very pleased with the results I have been getting. However I would like...
Can you remove deathauras comment as well? He did not follow the requirements as he answered in only one sentence.
sigma purged caused this the server was thriving before feburary 2020 and was really fun to play staying up till 3 am bot farming and getting our...
dont listen to him hes just trying to groom your underage body hes 27 years old ans has nothing better to do
The question I'm here to present to the class today is... "Is it time for a second chance?" Now I know This will create a great participation of...