IN1NJAI u have a mean drop on fac -.- I stll my gear to nasas dum drop :(
lol.. i thought i rage bad
wow... ok let me get this straight. u tpa kill me . then i rage because i loose all my gear when u wont 1 v 1 me fairly ! SO YOU REPORT ME ? HOW...
ask any guard or mod . i have NEVER been jailed
i do follow the rules ... 1 bit of proof is that i have played with and while many guards were on and have never been jailed . that kinda shows i...
do you mind seb if i ask u where could I improve to gain your support ?
ok ty
ty dude :D
i don't have word :(
support . ik u don't like me but this is a top notch guard app :D
How old are you? I am 13 years of age Your in-game name: JosephMcN What timezone are you in? Ime in the European timezone ( ENGALND ) What...
250$ is a lot to some people . some noobs cant even afford kit god
please remove the peoples chests whp placed them there . they are called : LUKELLA , Pinky_Dash , Hunter0916 and MudStomper . thankyou
he was just lagging . that doesnt show proof of kill aura . that could be kill aura . could be lag
banned for being awesome
you are responsible in prison and I think u would mae a great addition ti the staff . $UPPORT
why is this today when i have already been banned and this was like a week ago????