nvm didnt watch ur vids b4, current yters videos have way more effort no support anymore
and this is why mineverse is dead folks
its not that deep just want more yters on the server
support, current yter is terrible
buddy do u have dementia lmao found 3 clients on ur pc in 5 minutes
no support youre like 12 and you cheat
no support not mature and very young
or you could just not condone cheating :)
not constructive bub
no thx
on your very good looking mother
You may try to hide the fact you are toxic but I know and others know you are in fact toxic.
support, something along the lines of what toad and skpye said would be cool.
I am not giving my opinion based off our pvp fights. I am saying your personality is generally toxic, as is mine. You are in fact emotional and...
Agreed. If somebody is better than him he will not take the time to prove his accusations and will be extremely biased with his teammates.
Smog is too emotional and cannot handle criticism and makes accusations on things he knows nothing about. Not fit for the moderator position.
How is that a joke, he is stating the fact that when somebody criticizes you at all you mute them in your server when they are trying to interact...