I highly support this. As an old player since 2013, leaving and returning has been difficult. Once 2015 hit Mineverse started dying out and no one...
I've been here on Mineverse for about 4 years now and I've seen a lot of moderator applications. People lie on applications all the time. Although...
I don't think forums was public in 2013, I heard about it in April 2014 so thats when I made this account.
Welcome back :p I joined in 2013 as well but I used to only play Survival until 2015 so maybe thats why we haven't met :eek: Hope to see you around:)
Been on Mineverse since August 2013 :p
Honestly, I hope Survival resets in a few weeks or after July because I'm going out of the country in June and I would hate to see Survival reset...
Why am I not tagged? :(
ALERT: New way of duping... Sadly... but #ResetSurvival
I would like to start off by thanking everyone who has communicated with me on Mineverse in the past. I joined Mineverse around August of 2013. In...
Fishy </3 I miss you <3
Thank you for agreeing with me, Survival really needs a reset. ~Ender Thanks for the support. ~Ender
Hello Mineverse Community, as some of you may know, or not I am EnderStevePigMan. I joined Mineverse in August 2013 and I currently have a God...
It's worth a shot. It is everything I have, I mean things are getting reset & I don't play anymore as much so might as well give it a shot.
Aww.. too bad, I wasn't on to see it. I saw it Saturday so I decided to make this post.
Hello there Mineverse players, I am here because I am asking for an upgrade from God to Titan. I have been on Mineverse since around August 2013,...
Nice map, I would love to see it in Bedwars! Support!
You couldn't really see the name right, well you could but here is a better picture, I am pretty sure it is bankable cause I've heard rumors but...
Your ingame name: EnderStevePigMan The offender's exact ingame name: misko4a and dexte A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...