Ah I didn't see his/her thread. But yea :)
I think somewhere on Mineverse that there should be a boss fight, and when you win, you get like, legendary crate keys or something valuable....
Nah sir, video games for life
Lol very true
Oh yea that makes sense. I didn't see that when I read the application rules and requirements. Sorry for the confusion!
O O F rip ;-; I'm sorry @Rainingnights I tried, I didn't realize that it could possibly effect your chance of being staff ;-;.
Now i see where all my Yea, I see why staff aren't active. Between irl jobs, school, exams, pandemic, and timezones, it all just depends.
Different time zones do make things way complicated too.
Ah ok, so there's more that happens behind the scenes that aren't necessarily in game. That makes sense, especially the logging things and running...
That's true. I'm hoping things go back to normal and staff can be online (In game) instead of just the website. That way, staff can help a lot...
I often see Janice though, I'll get on at 8 to clock in, stay on for a few hours, come back on with you at around 12 and stay on from there, and I...
I looked at the staff application form, and I saw that it didn't really have a direct link to rules, FAQ, and what other applicators would...
Getting on different times, morning, noon, and night. Stay on for 1-9 hours, and I see MAX 3 staff. I see them active on the actual website all...
Maybe they can make the KitPVP map larger, for different areas to PVP in, they could also do it for the other games (Op, survival, etc.) too.
Yea that's true too. Maybe little less command things, like that pumpkin pie idea, and more of just looks/decorations
AhhHhH ty
Ah ok I can see where you are coming from.
>;o ouch
Hello welcome to my account. You can also follow my boyfriend @Rainingnights <3
I think since it's now fall, and close to coming to Thanksgiving that there should be more exclusive items that you can get. And the trees can...