don’t know wat u mean but ok
The Template In-game name:cakker Link to your YouTube channel: About you I’m gonna 18 and...
well AC thinks everyones a hacker so hahah
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: cskker The offender's exact ingame name : PartVII A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: cakker The offender's exact ingame name:... User was FyiSpookyIsToxic hes messaged me racist slur including the hard R
my fights last 3 seconds cause of anti cheat and play 100% fair
there not possibky with anti cheat i always get kicked and it makes this server 0 fun u dont have to worry bout it cause mods dont get kicked
NOPE you tell em bro just ask anyone its getting no fun at this point it takes only 3 and your kicked dude literally barely any hackers on...
1v1 is no such thing with AC literally yall mods should be on to ban hackers if there were
we all want it removed we can never have fair 1v1s without getting anti cheat kicked the AC is making this server boring if you guys can atleast...
how do i confirm email lmao
i got mvp in a week or to ago and i didnt know where to find a support ticket section lmao but can you please make my account mvp cause i got in...