I wish that spawn killing was bannable
pony i typed /friend <YADYADA> and he did same nothing happened E.G Me: /friend Randy101 Randy101: /f amnabashir Me: /friend Randy101 Randy101:...
HEH?? what u mean? what name tag
so what should i type really to add friends? because whenever i friend invite it works and I'm friends with them but one of my friends doesn't...
Omg thanks For All the Support! I think just a few more and this might be implemented?!?!? I Would <3 Dat seriously you guys are awesome
i have not seen any signs though, still very weird :\ is this a common glitch or something? or is it just me?
whenever i go to /friend it shows 4 boxes . Friend Request Friends Add Friends and Delete Friends. When You Click friend requests it shows all the...
Thanks Soo Much Guys!!!
Short Thread but how do u accept a friend request? /friend accept doesn't work for some reason. when i type /friend accept <PlayerName> i get the...
What do u mean, support?
Hello my name is amnabashir and i currently play bed wars. I have noticed something that when u die you don't get regen 4 of resistance 4. I think...
watching for scammers
hiuy bye guy nuy luy zuy huy duy cuy
:p:p:p:p:pVery Very Nice Job I hope You WIll Become a Great Mod/Guard. Very Good Infomation:):):):):):):):):);););););):D:D:D:D:D
How old are you? I am 12 Years old Your in-game name: My in-game name is Amnabashir What timezone are you in? my time zone is this(UTC+05:00)...
My ingame name is amnabashir and the people who broke the rule were: continuousbeez and SAINTSXXFUSION. The rule was that flint and steel is not...
I was peacefully mining and then my pick broke, i was losing hearts and i looked behind me and 2 people with flint and steel attacked me and they...