Were reviving infection!!! So far just got on and 6 players. We are hoping to get more during the day.
We are really trying to revivie kitpvp and infection so dm Stoonu to help out.
Looks pretty nice but i like the old one better.
Today was pretty fun on kitpvp. Didn't play infection but got some great loot in kitpvp and lost some from the hackers but it was still fun.
So today i have been playing a lot of oppvp and kitpvp and so far it has been fun. Couple here and there but its been a good day.
Today we have been playing some kitpvp and we met a hacker with god. Were calling an admin right now so we will see where this goes.
So yesterday we banned a couple people on kit pvp with the help of Allysa, Diggy, and Atom. Thank you guys and hope to see you around.
We banned another alt of a hackers account and had some fun. We had some fun on infection and got a person banned on kitpvp.
For two days now me Stoonu, and O_OMonster are currently trying to revive infection. We got 10 people yesterday so we will go on from there.
So I have been on the server for a couple days now and so far with me, and Stoonu we banned 2 accounts from one person.
Glad to also be there to help you make sure it wasn't mistaken or something else.