Accepted: Jarroyonaples, gokufarts Welcome you two! =)
Banned for having an anime cat pic.
Hi SX here, I was playing on the kitpvp server and my internet went down for 5 min. I came back on, im dead. I got so angry. I was hoping I could...
The KitPVP map is sawesome thou :o
If I cant get screenshots, I just go to my logs in my .minecraft folder :)
The Fabest of Them All In The KitPVP Server.
Fab. :pomp:
Banned for having a Troll Pricture
:O You werent there?! There isnt a party without one of these :asshat:
Lets just say, you need to teach me your fancy moves. I suck at PS XD
Support All The Way. #niteshead4mod Woop
Best, idea, ever.
Ah, ok now I understand chargebacks. Its a no no =)
Sweg. :t
Especially when you have 1000+ members playing.
I dont have much experience with PayPal but is there such thing of a "Charge Back"? Ive heard of it...
Here mister ;3 Clan Name: FrostPVP Why do you want to Truce? The more allies our clan has, the better. If we share a common enemy, we take them...
I know its Hemsworth. This is a page for RL pics. Any RL pic ;3. Here is a real one XD This is me with my hair messed up XD Not fancy and stylish...
Hey Sooper ;3, You seems sooper. Want to ally with my clan? FrostPVP
My sweg selfie. You asked for a Real Life Picture!: [IMG]