I think I saw her before... PS:I am yang_chen
Your ingame name: yang_chen The offender's ingame name:FlamingLuke2370 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising a...
I am unbann by Pile already thx ScoFu13 for your time
I found a new hacker in Mineverse Prison. His in-game name is CrumpetMuncher12 and he is a Elite. But he has infinity invisible potion effects
forget the message on top
no it did not, maybe go to mine verse now and I meet u at the lobby
thanks, I like your icon
Can you actually ask Pile to take a look in this thread and set a time and reply in this thread so it will be lot easier to contact her if u can...
How can I contact pile???
ok sorry to bother you
ScoFu13 then why when I use the server selector in the lobby I clicked skyblock and still says :Banned:Hacking. Appeal @mineverse.com -ScoFu13
I was banned from skyblock by ScoFu13, I wrote a ban appeal and ScoFu13 accepted my bann appeal, however I was still banned from skyblock by...
Your ingame NAME[IMG]: yang_chen The offender's ingame NAME[IMG]: derekneugebauer A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Victim: yang_chen lagg gliding always got kicked out of server because of lagg Staff help me some people insulted me that I hack but I did not...
Dear Staff This is yang_chen I caught zippyzive5 swearing Here is a screenshot
I support u I was there too
Griefing is allowed in skygrid or skyblock I will tell to a staff thread locked
This is a report in sky grid, A player called Cosmicon0 1 was disrespecting the rules I am yang_chen and there is another victim which is called...
Mod why u did not read my post
Anyone Rely please