I go a new cumputer so i will be back on mineverse soon but i will be on a deffrent account i forgot my password to bajan_Fanboy109
But I stoped
I snapped my keyboard in half much rage meny sad keyboard dead D:
Hi I see you recorded like 4 people on factions nice :3
I am god of pvp! >:D
Plz ban him For useing fire
See young Luke im am Yoda at this
Its sarcasm
Nice hacks XD
Good bye mineverse i will still be active n the fourms but i will not be active on the server Bye
Dude we got you cought flying and using kill arua
That's not hacks
He cussed me out after i killed him
Who wants to play some kit pvp :D
i dont even play skygrid anymore
I know how to do it but its a cheap way to get items
I do (I need to kill nubs for Ez loot to lazy to mine :P)
But we want pvp on all servers :P
Why do people say i hack even doe i showed my .minecraft folder to prove i don't