ahha trues
Yeah what he said
Could be afk w/ alts for keys also, on oppvp I see around 2-3 people standing in the exact same position for days. Sometimes they’re offline but...
+Support, hackers be going in and out the server like its a drive thru
+Support, active
Instead of helping them, you should record them hacking and report them. Stay in spawn, ping staff in discord so they might come online and ban...
Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25[a][10][11][12] as a religious and...
How many days is it for you guys? for me it's 5 :3
Support, if you start getting kills with the hackers and you start gaining stats, money all that, there should be a punishment for associating...
me LikE GrAmmar Vell
haha true
Support, I think the numbers of hackers would decrease and to everyone using vpn for privacy and safety and stuff, I don't know about you but my...
maybe you should add some evidence IN the post :/
He dont seem to be cheatin _/('-')\_ but thats my opinion
my adrenalin got jebaited
lucky mf
Support, would be cool i think
thats a fat entry fee
im currently sleeping, this will never change