You can't just say that it's hacking if he's better than you at pvp and has a better sword sorry no it doesnt work like that
Your ingame name: JayDaMan8888 The offender's ingame name: Unknown A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Whoever it was placed...
XD wow really? Hes not bullying/abusing you swung and hit him so you should EXPECT to be hit back hes defending himself and NO he DOESNT hack
I Really LOVE this Server <3
I really Love this Server <3
I fully support you man! :) we may have our differences but you really seem like you have changed your ways to me and i wish the best of luck. No...
Creeper I'm asking you nicely to stop posting on here please and thanks you :) Unless you are supporting :p
While I respect your opinion I would like if you didn't comment on my moderator application because as we both know you have done way worse and I...
I think I fixed it let me know what you think
Thanks for all the support guys :) :)
Good luck lapis <3 and many more potatoes ;)
I support you man!! Best of luck!
Thanks brah
Hoping! just hoping!
did you already get guard laura_or_is_it?
How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: JayDaMan8888 What timezone are you in? Us& Canada What country do you live in? USA What languages do you...