I have enabled 2FA
Actually Mineverse has been up for that long because I remember when I was 12-13 I played on this server and also I said I was mod 4 yrs ago so...
IGN: My current ign is Ebokran_ my skylanders54 account I have sold. What timezone are you in? The timezone I am in is UTC+12:00 What country do...
ok nevermind dont tell me how to make the words colourful cause i know how too do it now
ok tell me how do you add colour
ok first of all i gave it heaps of inof and i dont know how to make a cool title
ok i did support
How old are you? I am 15 years old and i was born in 1998 and my birthday is on July 5th What timezone are you in? This is the timezone I'm in...
how do you support please tell me
please tell me
how do u support
thanks do i get mod now or ?
please can you tell me what you think thanks
i finished putting more detail for why should i become a mod
ok sure which ones do i add more detail too and did you see in skyblocks lol