Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Politicowl The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Politicowl The offender's exact ingame name: Sayfer90...
[IMG] Mine is the fact that I'm forever alone on skywars because no-one in my timezone plays it at all ;(
Never seen in game, probably time zone differences, otherwise I am neutral because it seems that despite the fact that you have had this forums...
Can you pay for my retina replacement? You just destroyed my eyes with the colour...
Support, I can understand that you might say things you later regret when in a hard place IRL.
You literally said that you know it isn't a position, therefore you know you can't apply for it... Also I would support but the name is about 169%...
Ok, fair enough, but anti cheats are there for a reason. However, that fact that the current anti cheat checks every single packet and yet still...
Thanks Alex.
Explain what reasoning you have for this idea.
Is that depending on whether you need to get into a play park or not? jk don't ban :)
Uh, I never met you but I still find it sad that you are leaving your friends behind. I tried writing a descriptive sentence of how moving your...
It WoUlD bE nIcE iF yOu DiDn'T cApItAlIsE eVeRy FlIpPiNg WoRd. Thanks for your consideration. Also don't reply to this.... You seem to be post...
I hate to ruin you guys' fun but quite frankly, at the best of times the server has 300 players of which a minimum of 1/3 are hackers. Getting rid...
Think positively... it isn't any fun if it isn't online so why would you crash it, and also a server can only be crashed a limited amount of...
Mate, it's not that they can't take the truth. It is that we already know what is happening and you blaming moderators for what they have no...
No support because of the pain involved in trying to read your application, I get that you are not a native speaker of the gloriously irritating...
Neutral. Never met you but your replies on the forums are generally helpful and constructive. I don't know about in-game though as I have not seen...